Interior Design and Your Health

Interior Design and Your Health

Cultivating beautiful spaces is not a luxury…it’s a necessity.


Are you one of the people who discovered how much you disliked your interior during the shutdown? No worries, trust me you were not alone. Many studies have been done since to further understand the relationship between our interior spaces and mental well being. 


An article titled “How Interior Design Impacts Your Mental Health”, by Calvin Dolatowski, October 2021, wrote “While making the connection between home design and emotional stability is not new, recent studies have fortified the validity of these claims.” 


In 2020, we were told to “Shelter in Place” and “Save lives Stay home”. We were not given an option, to protect our neighbors and ourselves, we stayed home. We prayed for the nurses, firefighters and all “essential workers” to be safe while we grieved for family and friends lost. 


While the world seemed to spin, we also began to look at our walls and furniture. We bought plants and more plants. We purchased art and accent pieces, to spruce up our space. When able to we shopped at places like Home Depot (that line was long), for paint and garden supplies. We did everything we could to make our dwelling spaces a place we wanted to be in. 


Statistics showed there would be a continued increase in home decor sales, due to the new awareness of what a beautiful space could do for our physical and mental health. 


Then we went back to work, some of us had to find a space at home to work. We became sole providers. We outgrew the stuff we bought and just say “ugh” every time we walk by. That is if it isn’t in the trash already. 


For the moment we understood when surrounded by beauty, we feel better. We get up earlier and sleep more rested. We are motivated to live better. We even work out, because now our body don’t fit the beauty surrounding us. We become healthier, mentally and physically. 


It’s not our fault, we have been hard at work, taking care of kids, trying to find a little “me” time. It happens, and it is ok! Now, though, let’s do something that will make you and your entire household feel better. “The Little Things”, a song by India Aire, was on point when she sang about enjoying the little things in her life over the big showy or flashy things and places. 


If your feel this is not your gift, or you’re not sure where to start…don’t worry, we got you! Start with one space in one room. Maybe throw out that old artificial plant that is full of dust. Get a new one or get a manageable real plant. It’s definitely time to get rid of decor that is peeling or somewhat broken. You know what I’m talking about…it’s over on the stand that could use some stain or paint. If you can, start with what you have and fill in from there. 


Remember one mans’ (or womans’) trash is another persons’ treasure. If it can still be used, donate it or sell it. 


Know that you DESERVE to be surrounded with intentional beauty. You deserve to be inspired by your surroundings on a daily basis. You should want to vacation at home because it brings you that much peace. Yes, you can still take that trip to the Caribbean, I’m just saying you should not want to get away from your home because it is the source of chaos or makes you feel any way other than whole. 


Join us on this journey to intentional interior design and living well. We are researching to bring you the best and most updated information. 

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