"It'll Get Worse Before It Gets Better": Bootcamp for Self-Care, Meditation and Healing Through Nature

"It'll Get Worse Before It Gets Better": Bootcamp for Self-Care, Meditation and Healing Through Nature

"It'll Get Worse Before It Gets Better" 

Bootcamp for Self-Care, Meditation and Healing Through Nature

My Bootcamp

When my kids were younger, I walked through life functioning in my depression. I woke up, got my kids ready for school, dropped them off and went to work where I spent the day in misery. I clocked out at the end of the day and did the reverse of the morning. The only time I felt whole was when I was with my kids. I held in so much pain and anger. I didn’t know how to process it and I didn’t have anyone to talk to. Worrying about money, and how I was going to feed and clothe them. Worrying about leaving a job and starting a new one…when payday was three weeks away and the bills were due in two. Even the beginning of a new school year sent me into deep depression. You know kids have to have new clothes and backpacks, paper, pens and pencils…Ahhhhhhh! It was just too much too often. 

I had been holding on to childhood trauma that I didn’t even know I was holding on to until later. It wasn’t until I became a master with Google searches that I found ways to cope with life, and understand what depression was. It wasn’t easy and It didn’t happen overnight. I went through several practices until I found a few that worked consistently for me. 

Please read to the end. Comment with some techniques that have helped you on your journey when you’re done. It may help someone else.

What stage are you in right now? The “it’s getting worse” or the “it’s getting better.” 

We all know that life is a myriad of ebb and flow, and sometimes, we find ourselves in the midst of challenging times where it feels like everything is falling apart. This is often referred to as "it'll get worse before it gets better”. We seem to go through it a lot more often these days. It can be challenging, but we have some self-care tips to help you navigate through it. These practices will help you connect with your inner peace and find solace, strength, and wisdom. 

Understanding "It'll Get Worse Before It Gets Better" 

First, I must affirm, this is a natural part of healing and growing, and everyone is allowed to process life on their own terms. Our suggestions are based on our practices and practices we know have been beneficial to others. Whether you're dealing with emotional upheaval, physical illness or significant life changes, it's normal to experience a period of discomfort before things improve. Understanding this will help you remain patient and compassionate with yourself.

“YOU Got This…” 
  1. “Protect YOUR Peace” It’s important you reduce sources of stress wherever possible. You may have to say “NO” to friends, family and extra responsibilities, avoid the news and social media while you create a peaceful environment. This is about you, so do what is in your best interest. 
  2. “You Are What You Eat” Providing your temple(body) with proper nutrition will promote internal healing and natural energy to cope with stress. Focus on adding whole foods like seasonal fruits, vegetables, healthy proteins and whole grains. Staying hydrated is essential…drink plenty of water.
  3. “Sleeping?” Your body and mind need adequate rest to heal and restore. Give yourself permission to sleep and enjoy some downtime without the unhelpful guilt. Learn to listen to your body and honor its need for rest and relaxation.
  4. “Bounce, Rock, Skate…” It’s time for you to get back to the hobbies and activities that bring you joy. Reading, crafting, skating, gardening…whatever you do, make sure it is something that will make you smile and even laugh a while.
  5. “Support is Underrated…” Support groups and counselors will allow you to be open and honest with your situation, oftentimes offering you the space needed to think clearly. If possible, reach out to friends and family to connect and reminisce. Don’t be afraid to ask for help before you need it.    

Meditate On It

Meditation is a powerful tool for finding inner peace and clarity, especially during difficult times. Here are 3 proven techniques you might want to try:

  1. “Love” Close your eyes and think of someone you love. As you think of them, send positive thoughts and wishes for happiness and health. While you are in this loving space, gradually extend love and positive thoughts to yourself. Only positive thoughts here! In time, include others you may have or had conflict with. This practice will foster compassion and emotional resilience. 
  2. “Mind” Sitting quietly, focus ONLY on your breath. Notice the sensation of the air entering and exiting your body. When your mind wanders, and it will, gently bring your focus back to your breath. This practice helps you stay present and reduces anxiety. 
  3. “Body” Our physical body requires daily healing practices. Lie down in a comfortable position. Slowly bring your attention to each part of your body, starting from your toes and moving up to the top of your head. Where you notice tension or discomfort, focus your breath on those areas, encouraging relaxation while fostering healing

Get Back to Nature

Nature has a profound healing effect on our well-being. Spending time outdoors can reduce stress, improve mood, and enhance overall health. Take a look at ways you can incorporate nature into your daily self-care routine:   

  1. “Let’s Take A Long Walk…” A simple walk in the park can do wonders for your mental and physical health. Don’t like the park…find a nature trail or natural setting (maybe one with water…), and spend time there. Pay attention to the sights, sounds, and scents around you. Let nature's beauty soothe your soul.
  2. “Ground Yourself” No not literally…Grounding (or Earthing) is where you sit or stand while allowing your bare feet to connect with the ground. This can be done on grass, soil or sand. The purpose is to help you connect to the earth and calm your mind. 
  3. “Sit A Spell” Find a quiet, safe and comfy spot to sit. Close your eyes and focus on the sounds around you…the rustling of the leaves, birds chirping, sounds of the wind or water. Let the sounds guide you into meditation.
  4. ”Shelter In Place” If you can’t enjoy nature outside, bring it indoors! Choose a space with proper lighting and airflow. Add plants, flowers, and other natural elements like stones and wood. Include art, decorative accents, and maybe running water to create a calming natural effect. 

These practices can take anywhere from five minutes to several hours at a time. Do yourself a favor and ensure you carve out at least the minimum amount of time each day.

Navigating the "It'll get worse before it gets better" stage is challenging, but remember, it’s a temporary part of your journey. By prioritizing yourself, practicing meditation, and connecting with nature, you can find the strength and peace needed to get through this and any difficult situation. Be gentle with yourself, and trust that better days are coming.

Now, it's time for me to go outside...


Self Care Travel Sets

We design many items to help you on your self-care, self-love journey. We know that not everyone share the same energy color, message us to have your custom item designed in your custom color! 

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